Issue 013

Issue 013

14 March 2022



There’s an old saying: Politics and religion are dangerous subjects!

On this web-site we try to avoid politics. But the concept of “God” is sufficiently ”philosophical” to be included.

A 15th century Swiss mystic said something to the effect that man understands God less than an ant understands man.

Of course, this does not mean man shouldn’t – or won’t – try to understand as much as he can. The effort itself has meaning. Indeed, religious thought or feeling appear to be part of human nature!

Many people feel awe when they view and contemplate the cosmos. They sense or feel that there is something there. Something that qualifies as “God.” Even if they don’t claim to understand much, if anything, about God.

Of course, the existence of this awe does not in and of itself “prove” the existence of God. Nonetheless, many, if not most, of these people seem to believe in “something greater.” Regardless of whether or not they feel comfortable with the term “God.”

Some people look to nature for clues. Others look to traditional religions. Some people view these approaches as incompatible. Some do not.

Frankly, I have the impression that many, if not most, atheists in Western Civilization, fall into one of three categories:

First: Christians who are angry with God.

Second: People who are alienated by what they perceive to be the Christian concept of God.

Third: People who are hostile to Western Civilization and view religion (especially Christianity) as part of it.

The first group is pissed at God, because something bad happened to them or a loved one. Understandable. But narrow-minded.

Imagine the following scenario:

A researcher discovers a cure for cancer. But it only cures 90%. Another person, whose loved one died from the incurable 10%, attacks the researcher instead of thanking him.

Of course, one can argue that this example doesn’t apply, because – unlike the human researcher – GOD is all-powerful and hence capable of a 100% “perfect” universe.

Nonetheless, considering the wonders of the cosmos, I personally find this attitude petty. Who am I to curse the Creator of the Universe simply because my own personal fate might be less than optimal?!?

The second group usually looks at only ONE of many different concepts of God. Often over-simplified at that. [Note: Man thinks in terms of METAPHORS. If take LITERALLY, most religions have elements that may seem somewhat strange to outsiders.]

The third group cannot be adequately described without getting too close to politics.

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